Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well Well Well

It's been awhile eh fans? Well due to our overwhelmingly busy lives (yeah I'm full of shit, we're just lazy) we have neglected to update in quite some time. We have a plethora of fails just waiting for you to enjoy, just haven't gotten around to it. I hope to have some of them up by this weekend, but here is a call to arms folks- We want YOUR fail pics! Not just pink jerseys and the morons that wear them, but any sports jersey mishaps you might find funny. Submit them to pinkjerseyfail@gmail.com and if they are good enough, we will plant the PJF stamp of approval on them, give you credit and get it on the site ASAP!

In recent months the staff has been attending quite a few sporting events and witnessed some damn fine specimens. This is the best time of the year for it because of everyone getting these atrocities for Christmas gifts. Also with the hockey trade deadline, prepare to see plenty of people running out and getting jerseys of players who wont be around more than a month or two.

Look forward to much more fun, promotion, contests, and alot more in the coming weeks!