Monday, October 5, 2009

These are the fresh new Pink Ladies Sabres Jerseys... yes, that is glitter you see on the slug. I almost threw up. The worst part is... these are the only Ladies jerseys they had in the store. No regular ladies jerseys...just pink ones. wtf is going on here. I inquired with a sales associate, and she told me the pink jerseys are projected to be a huge seller this year............ you're kidding right?

This is almost too easy.... boots with the fur AND a pink jersey. They were lost, of course, and decided to ask us where lot 5 was, complete with giggles and hick-ups.. I couldn't even answer...I was too busy laughing.

This girl has been a fan of the pink walmart jersey for quite some time.... McGahee? Really? Jesus....

I think I hate these pink jerseys the most. The gray and pink... Don't let her pose fool you either. She isn't really paying attention. This was one of the actual times she took a break from her iPhone to get up and go to the bathroom.

Ok... this....I almost have no words for. I realize that it isn't a pink jersey... But booty shorts and high fucking heels with a hockey jersey is never OK... I don't understand the thought process in this girls brain when she stepped out of the house. And how the FUCK did nobody tell her how utterly stupid she looked....

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